Anesthesia and Reanimation

About the Clinic

Anesthesia Applications

Anesthesia methods, which may vary according to the characteristics of the patients and surgeries, are applied in our hospital. For this, each patient is first evaluated by an anesthesiologist in the anesthesia polyclinic or in the service he is in, and prepared for the surgery.

General Anesthesia

Temporary loss of consciousness, loss of pain sensation (analgesia), removal of reflexes and immobility are provided without any change in vital functions. There are different types of anesthetic and analgesic drugs used for this purpose and these are used under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. The duration of general anesthesia can be easily extended according to the duration of the surgery. After the end of the operation, the anesthetic drugs are stopped and the patient is awakened within a few minutes.

Regional (Regional) Anesthesia

The most common methods are central blocks (epidural, spinal anesthesia, combined spinal epidural anesthesia in which both are performed at the same time) or peripheral blocks. (Axillary block [arm], femoral block [leg], etc.) These procedures can be applied depending on the location and type of surgery. The consciousness of the patient does not disappear as in general anesthesia, he is aware of everything, but the sense of pain has disappeared. Epidural anesthesia is also used to prevent labor pains.

Sedation-Analgesia Applications

It is a method of intravenous administration of the necessary drugs to relax, calm and relieve the patient's fears in minor surgical interventions with the support of local anesthesia and painless interventions that will help the diagnosis and interventions for examination purposes (MR, Endoscopy, etc.).


Post-Anesthesia Follow-up

After the surgery is over and the patient is awakened, they go to the recovery unit. Here, the patient's vital functions are monitored closely until he is sent to his room in the service.

25 Temmuz 2023