Pregnancy COURSE
Pregnant School Healthy Pregnant Healthy Baby
to have a healthy pregnancy and birth process, birth and baby care more
Serves for the purpose of making conscious. Training for pregnant women
the knowledge and skill levels of pregnancy, birth and neonatal care
increase is provided.
The Pregnant School trainings can be given as a 2-week 6-week training program.
carried out. 1 hour theoretically inter-active training and 1 hour muscle, respiration, kegel and
relaxation exercises. It is a free training program. From Week 12
The records are taken and training is planned and started in the 22nd week.
Menopause COURSE
Menopause School, informing women in the period of menopause
to increase the quality of life by increasing the quality of life
and to prevent preventable diseases.
Menopause School, premenopausal, menopause and postmenopausal period
supporting the physiological and psychological problems in women
Menopause School trainings 2 days a week in the form of a 5-week training program
carried out. 1 hour theoretically inter-active training, 1 hour muscle, breathing, kegel and
relaxation exercises. It is a free training program