Anesthesia and Reanimation


General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Pediatric Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Orthopedics and Traumatology, Heart and, neonatal catheterization and IVF treatment

Anesthesia Applications
In our hospital, anesthesia methods vary depending on the characteristics of patients and operations. For this purpose, each patient is first evaluated by an anesthesiologist in the anesthesia polyclinic or in the ward where he is hospitalized and prepared for surgery.

General Anesthesia
Temporary loss of consciousness, loss of sensation of pain (analgesia), removal of reflexes and inactivity are provided without alteration in vital functions. There are various types of anesthetic and analgesic drugs used for this purpose and they are used under the supervision of the anesthesiologist. The duration of general anesthesia can be extended easily according to the duration of surgery. Following the end of the surgery, anesthetic drugs are discontinued and the patient is awakened within a few minutes.

Regional Anesthesia
The most common methods are central blocks (epidural, spinal anesthesia, combined spinal epidural anesthesia where both are performed simultaneously) or peripheral blocks. (Axillary block [arm], femoral block [leg] etc.) These procedures can be performed depending on the location and type of surgery. The patient's consciousness does not disappear as in general anesthesia, he is aware of everything but his sense of pain has disappeared. Epidural anesthesia is also used in the prevention of birth pain.

Sedation-Analgesia Applications
It is a method of intravenous administration of medications required to relieve, calm the patient and relieve his / her fears in small surgical interventions with local anesthesia support and painless interventions to help the diagnosis (MR, Endoscopy, etc.).

Follow-up after anesthesia
After the operation is finished and the patient is awakened, the waking unit is switched on. Here, the vital functions of the patient are monitored and monitored closely until they are sent to the ward room.