Mother Friendly Hospital


1. It is the right of all expectant mothers to receive safe and quality pregnancy monitoring and delivery.

· Pregnant and lohusa follow-up should be performed in accordance with written follow-up protocols prepared according to current scientific criteria.

2. The service provided should cover the period of pregnancy, labor, delivery and postnatal care and counseling.

· While providing antenatal care and counseling services to pregnant women, necessary informations should be made and malı Illuminated Consent Form hizmeti should be read and signed.

· Pregnants should be able to contribute to the planning of delivery.

· A service model should be applied to provide accurate and accurate information about the possible forms and damages of pregnant women and their relatives with the methods of delivery and the drugs to be given and the investigations and interventions to be done. , models, etc.).

3. In institutions, policlinic, education, counseling and delivery services should be prepared according to national standards.

· Institutions should be composed of units arranged according to mother and baby needs which can serve 24/7.

· Birth units should be classified by national audits and institutions should be responsible for the quality of care they provide.

· Inpatient treatment institutions should have sufficient number and quality health personnel who are interested in each pregnant and communicating well with them.

· Inpatient care institutions should take the necessary precautions to ensure safe blood transfusion and prevent hospital infections.

4. Privacy expectations should be met with care and hygiene and comfort standards should be kept high.

· The pregnant woman should feel comfortable and comfortable and be able to choose a suitable companion.

· During pregnancy, physical and emotional support to pregnant women should be one to one and pregnant women should be able to reach this support easily.

· There should not be any position restriction for the pregnant woman, she should be able to lie in the desired position, she should be able to walk freely in the room and she should be able to move.

· Birth should be performed by encouraging pregnant women to push in active positions.

5. Non-evidence-based interventions should not be routinely performed.

· Nutrition and fluid intake should not be discontinued.

· Treatments such as enema and shaving should not be routinely applied.

· Do not apply early amniotomy, frequent touch, urethral catheter.

· The cesarean rate of the institution should not exceed the acceptable minimum and maximum levels.

6. The human resources and logistic support required for service delivery should be at the optimum level.

· Prenatal, delivery and postnatal services should be provided by a team with multidisciplinary approach. There should be a written action plan of the inpatient institution providing delivery services for high-risk pregnant women.

· To be able to offer delivery analgesia services to patients who wish.

7. In urgent obstetric conditions, referral criteria should be followed.

· Continuity should be considered in the management of prenatal, delivery and postnatal services.

· Pregnant women who are admitted due to pregnancy, delivery and complication due to puerperium must be immediately accepted and the necessary medical intervention should be done without delay.

· The patient should be shipped after stabilization.

· Referral should be made by contacting 112.

· The referral institution should provide feedback to the referring institution on the cases.

8. Birth service should be focused on mother and baby.

· The criteria of Baby Friendly Hospital must be complied with.

· It should be ensured that mother and family babies are embraced and touched.

· Lohasis should be kept in hospital for at least 24 hours after normal delivery, at least 48 hours after cesarean delivery, and postpartum care should be taken.

9. Activities to strengthen the knowledge and skills of service providers should be planned and implemented.

· The continuity of in-service training should be ensured.

· Monitoring evaluation should be conducted on the use of etrik Prenatal Care çalış, konusunda Emergency Obstetric Care ”, u Birth and Caesarean Action en,“ Postpartum Care Management etrik Guidelines.

· It should be ensured that the physicians and other health personnel working within the body adopt these principles and principles.

· Employees should have access to the reference materials for 24 hours.

10. Records of necessary services should be kept and analyzed at regular intervals and used in the development of services.

· The centers should keep records on the quality and quantity of the services provided in a regular and accurate manner.

· Statistical data should be published on the internet and made available to all institutions and citizens.

· Maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity should be carefully monitored and regular feedback meetings should be conducted for this purpose.