The nurses are not forgotten!

TORBALI State Hospital yesterday at 12:00 am May 12 Nurses Day was a nice event. The event was attended by Şenol Topçu, the Chief Doctor of Torbalı State Hospital, Şeref Dokçu, the Deputy Chief Physician, and many physicians at the hospital. After the speech was given to the nurses who were successful in the hospital was given a document. After the issuance of the document, folk dances and musical performances were held.


Speaking about the meaning and importance of the day Torbalı State Hospital Chief Doctor Şenol Topçu said, alı We are all doing a very important job for humanity here. Our job as physicians and health workers is to perform a valuable task beyond a profession. These people who are healthy and save lives are very valuable for everyone. I congratulate all our nurses for the health of the people and the services they provide so far.