Child Health and Diseases

About the Clinic

Child Health and Diseases
Pediatric and Pediatric Surgery patients are hospitalized in our clinic.
Our hospitalizations are usually from the emergency room and outpatient clinic.
The doctors and nurses make daily visits to the patients.
Follow-up, care and treatment of patients are recorded electronically.
Patients and their relatives who are newly admitted to our clinic are informed by their doctor about the disease and the course of the disease.
Our patients who will have a surgical operation are hospitalized in our clinic with their consent after pre-op preparations are made.
The consent of the surgical patients is checked in the clinic, and the patient is informed by checking whether there is a special procedure required before the surgery.
The patients and their relatives who are newly admitted to our clinic are provided with trainings about the process and recorded electronically.
The patient is prepared in line with the safe surgical practices that should be done before surgical patients leave the clinic.
The patient, who comes during the operation, is called on a stretcher and delivered to the pre-op unit accompanied by the staff and health worker. Premedication of the patient is applied preop.
After the operation, the patient is received from the post op unit, and the post op follow-up, treatment and care practices of the patient are performed.
Patients who are planned to be discharged are discharged by providing discharge training.

25 Temmuz 2023